roller derby: counting your falls vs. forgetting you fell

roller derby: counting your falls vs. forgetting you fell

so there comes a time (i’m completely assuming here) when you stop counting how many times you’ve fallen. at first, i was like, oooh yesss didn’t fall today. because that translates to “i didn’t hurt my tailbone again today” or even “i didn’t break anything today” since we already have like 4 or 5 people out due to injury. anyway, at some point in the past week or so, i just stopped counting…like, i don’t even notice anymore. i assume this is a normal phenomenon. as long as you don’t fall really badly to remember, you kind of block it out. or all the falls just mush in together.

tonight in bootcamp i fell twice in a pace line–once i was able to fall to the side and get up fast and jump back in with only two girls passing me. the other time i feel like i freakin took the whole line out! i could see girls that were behind me go way to the outside to avoid me and the other two girls who fell at the same time–and i don’t even know if i did it! i just wrecked and probably brought at least one of them down with me accidentally! sigh. i guess i just gotta keep practicing. and no, i didn’t fall only twice today–i lost count.